Journey through Peru: Nazca

Our time in Nazca was short. It was a cute, dusty little town in the desert, but not the kind of place you want to hang out in for very long.  We got a chance to try a couple of the restaurants and had some pretty good Peruvian food.



We were there just one night, but long enough to take a plane ride up to see the Nazca lines. It was interesting, but our least favorite part of the trip. We ended up needlessly waiting over an hour for our plane with two toddlers who really needed a nap. We tried to keep a positive outlook. It was a once-in-a-lifetime experience.  Meaning, we never have to do it again 😉

Waiting for our flight

Waiting for our flight

It was finally time to board our little plane.  Olivia looked so cute in her headphones.

Ready for takeoff

Ready for takeoff

Once we got up in the air, Olivia and I didn’t handle the flight too well. Thankfully I had some travel essential oils with me and they saved us from getting too sick. The lines were really neat to see.

"The Astronaut"

“The Astronaut”



The observatory tower from the air and lines surrounding

The observatory tower from the air and lines surrounding

You can see how huge they were in the last photo. It was cool to think what it would have been like to discover them for the first time! Many theories abound about the lines and how they were so accurately completed. The drawings were pretty amazing! Some of them were very intricate.

"The Hummingbird"

“The Hummingbird”

About half way through the flight all I cared about was getting back on the ground. Reminded me of my last boat experience in Monterey, California… And poor Olivia looked as bad as I felt. Thankfully we made it back without having to use the brown sacks provided.

Family photo

After the flight

Nazca was an experience, but we were glad to be moving on. Our bus left for Arequipa at 4pm that evening, so we headed back to the hotel, quickly packed up our things, got lunch and hung out in a cafe until time to leave.

Hanging out in a cafe

Hanging out in a cafe

It was an 8 hour bus ride to Arequipa…more about that next on the blog!